When You Are Tired of Being Tired

Are you tired of feeling tired and exhausted? No matter how much sleep you seem to get, you wake up feeling tired? You don’t have the energy to be the best you or to do the things you want to do? There is a lot we are able to do to help improve your energy. While the causes behind low energy and individual, there are some things you can start right now to improve your energy.

Eat wholefoods. Cut out the crap! Eat real foods, rather than foods that have been filled with chemicals and preservatives, otherwise known as packaged foods. I understand that this can be challenging, particularly when we are really busy and especially if we don’t have much energy. Start small if you need to. Just one meal a day is a great start and improve that where you can. Swap packaged foods to whole foods as much as possible. When you do use packaged foods, learn how to read the nutrition labels so that you are able to make the better choice in what you are feeding your body. When you have improved one meal, move onto the next.

Hydrate with clean fresh water. So many of us don’t drink enough water! We should be trying to drink at least 2 litres every day, more if you are exercising or sweating. Start the day with a glass of water with a squeeze of half a fresh lemon. This helps to stimulate your digestion, helps support liver detox and gives you a boost of vitamin C, great for your immune system health. If you are someone who is drinking 2 – 3 litres of water a day but you feel thirsty, like you are dehydrated, try adding a pinch of good quality salt into one of your water bottles. Use Himalayan, Celtic or Murray River rock salt. This helps to replenish your electrolytes and helps the water get into your cells to hydrate you effectively.

Get out in nature. Go outside! Get some fresh air and sunshine. Spend at least 10 minutes in the sunshine, safely, to improve your vitamin D levels and to improve your mood. Remove your shoes and socks and stand or sit on the ground to reduce stress, improve energy and improve mood. Say no to things you don’t want to do and say yes to things that fill your cup. It is not lazy to rest. Sometimes, resting is the most productive thing you can do.

Get your blood test. If it has been more than 12 months since your last blood test check, I suggest you book that in. If you are constantly feeling low in energy, this could be due to a number of factors, including low B12 levels, low Vitamin D levels, low iron to name a few. It could also be hormonal, because of your hormones shifting and adjusting.

If you are finding it really hard struggling with low energy, we are able to do so much to support you and get you back to feeling like yourself. You are able to feel like you have energy again.

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