The Many Faces of Anxiety

There is no set of rules when it comes to anxiety. What one person experiences can be different to what the next person does. What you experience as symptoms can also differ from one episode of anxiety to the next.

When I used to get really anxious, sometimes I used to get a tingling type sensation in my face, especially in my cheeks. I remember one time, I was trying to sign some paperwork, and I couldn’t even hold the pen to write! It was like my hand had gone really weak. I used to get nauseas, and feel quite sick. My appetite would reduce and I wouldn’t feel like eating. I sometimes felt quite faint, like I was going to collapse. I used to get this enormous tidal wave of fear and panic that came over me. I was so, so scared.

I felt weird, alone, almost crazy when I found out I had anxiety. It wasn’t until I started opening up to others about what I was feeling, and they opened up back to me and told me that they too experienced anxiety.

There are so many different signs and symptoms to anxiety. These can include fast heart rate, stomachaches or cramps, vomiting, dizziness, bowel habit changes, difficulty sleeping, chest pains (please always get these checked out to rule out any other complications), headaches, body aches and pains, foggy head, overwhelming sense of fear and panic, tense, unable to relax, clenching jaw or shoulders or fists, nervous, shaking, sweating, feeling weak, trouble concentrating, poor immune system, worry, on edge constantly, trouble focusing, overthinking, over analysing, indecisive, unable to make decisions, unable to think clearly, flat, fatigue, need reassurance, procrastination, poor memory, phobias, withdrawal from society and many others.

Other things that can be a contributing factor to anxiety can include vitamin or nutrient deficiencies, thyroid imbalance, gut health, food intolerances, mindset and stress.

I know how crippling anxiety can be. I have been there, and I have now left that behind me! I can help you to do the same. Join me in my new program, Conquering Anxiety (more information can be found on my website under work with me, online programs) to work on complete body and mind wellness, to leave your anxiety and be the person you are on this planet to be.

Much love,

Kirsten xx