Our immune system’s job is to keep us well. It protects us from outside invaders, bacteria, viruses, fungi and toxins.
There are two main parts of our immune system, being our Innate immune system and our Acquired immune system.
We are born with our Innate immune system. It is inherited and is active from when we are born. It is like a patrol or a security guard that keeps check on the body and responds first when it finds an invader. The cells of this immune system, called phagocytes, surround and engulf the invader and eliminate it.
Our Acquired immune system is developed with assistance from our Innate immune system to produce antibodies to protect us from a specific invader. They are developed by cells called B Lymphocytes after the body has been exposed to the invader.
Cells for both parts of our immune system are made in organs including adenoids, bone marrow, lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, spleen, thymus and tonsils.
Some of the ways that we can support our body to have a healthy and strong immune system include with the food we eat.
~ Reduce and limit processed, packaged food, food that is high in artificial colours, flavours, additives and preservatives.
~ Reduce our sugar intake.
~ Increase garlic.
~ Increase probiotics and probiotics with fermented foods such as yoghurt and sauerkraut and asparagus, bananas, greens, onion and garlic.
~ Increase vitamin C with foods such as citrus, capsicum and strawberries.
~ Increase vitamin D with foods such as egg yolk, organic pork fat, oily fish such as sardines and salmon and red meat.
~ Increase antioxidant rich foods such as berries and other brightly coloured foods.
~ Increase zinc rich foods such as nuts, especially cashews and almonds, seeds, oysters, red meat, poultry and chickpeas.
If you aren’t getting enough of these nutrients through food, we could look at introducing supplements to further support the body.
Some other things you can implement to support a healthy, strong immune system include
~ Ensuring you get enough good quality sleep.
~ Get some form of movement on most days.
~ Get out in nature. You could go for a walk or even just take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the beach or grass.
~ Practice meditation or some form of relaxation.
~ Improve your gut health. A large percentage of our immune system is located in the gut.
~ Avoid eating foods that you are sensitive or intolerant to. One way that I like to check for these are with the Hair 500 Analysis. Further information about this can be found on my website www.kirstenfriddnaturopath.com.au under the work with me tab.
~ Reduce inflammation in your body.
~ Wash hands regularly, particularly after touching animals or going to the toilet and before eating.
By implementing strategies to keep our immune system strong and healthy, our immune system, in turn, can support us.