The following things are some strategies you can use to improve your health. These things are at the foundation of good health. These often overlap into a number of the categories as you will see.
~ Food
The things we put in our mouths can either be a great source of nutrition and nourishment, or they can be toxic to our body. I recommend that you reduce and limit the artificial additives, preservatives and artificial flavours that are in the foods you eat. One way you can do this easily is by making most of the foods you eat yourself. This way you know the exact ingredients that are in there. You can adjust the amount of sugar in the food, as well as the types of flour, sugar and milk used to suit you and your family.
I often recommend to my clients that they limit the amount of gluten that they consume. The reason behind this is that gluten is generally an inflammatory food. Most clients, even those that don’t have a ‘problem’ with gluten, report feeling so much better off of it. Some people improve their health by limiting and reducing the amount of dairy they consume, as this can also be an inflammatory food to some. We can all benefit from the amount of sugar that we consume.
Try to include a rainbow of colours in your eating every day, because each colour food contains certain nutrients. Try to include a form of protein with every meal and snack that you have. Protein is necessary for growth and repair in the body.
~ Water
Our body is made up of a large percentage of water, so it is really important that we stay hydrated so that our cells and body can function well. Ensure the water you drink is clean and preferably filtered. We also need to be well hydrated so that our bowels can move effectively and so that we can detox efficiently through our bowels, liver and kidneys.
Another one of my favourite recommendations to my clients is to have regular Epsom salt baths. Put 1-3 cups of Epsom salt in the bath and soak in for 20-30 minutes. This is great to help increase your magnesium levels as well as to help your body to detox gently. If you don’t have a bath, you can do a foot soak with about 1 cup of Epsom salt in warm water.
~ Calm
Reduce stress and anxiety. These both increase cortisol, which when is ongoing, is damaging to the body. This puts us into fight or flight mode, putting extra pressure on our body.
Reduce these by practising meditation and relaxation. This can be achieved through gardening, going for a walk in nature, walking barefoot on the beach or grass, reading, colouring, anything that makes you feel calm and relaxed. You can also laugh while you are increasing your heart rate. Something else that I often recommend to my clients is doing an adrenal reset. This is where you simply lie flat on your back on the floor or the grass, with no pillows under you. Place your arms by your side with your palms facing upwards while breathing nice, slow, deep breaths. Start with 1-5 minutes, increasing to 20 minutes at a time.
As a Naturopath, I also like to use herbs such as lavender, valerian, withania and chamomile to help.
~ Toxic Exposure
We are exposed to so many toxins on a daily basis, so where we can, it is great to reduce this. We can do this by choosing organic foods where possible, and by filtering the water we drink.
We can choose lower tox personal care products such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash, moisturiser, make up, sunscreen, deodorant and toothpaste.
We can also try to limit our exposure to fumes such as fuel and paint.
~ Sleep
When we sleep is when our bodies repair and rejuvenate. It is important to get about 8 hours of sleep each night. Try limiting screen time an hour before bedtime. Ensure your bedroom is a comfortable temperature. Try to go to bed at a similar time, and get up at a similar time each day. You can have an Epsom salt bath prior to bed, read a book, practise meditation, do an adrenal reset or listen to calming music to help calm and relax you to improve your sleep.
The herbs I like to use as a Naturopath to help with this might include oats seed, kava, passionflower and Jamaican dogwood.
~ Mindset
This is in my opinion, the most important one of all. They are all important, but if we are doing all of the ‘right’ things but our mindset isn’t right, then we will be out of balance. Remind yourself that you are enough. You are loveable. You are worthy. Calm and quiet your inner critic voice that likes to tell you that you are none of those things. Increase your inner calm voice. Practice self care and find activities that you can do regularly that you find enjoyable.
I offer online and in person Naturopath consultations where we can delve into these and other important factors to becoming a healthier you.