Introducing Myself!

Hi! I am Kirsten 🙂 I am a Wife, a Mother to four beautiful children, a Naturopath and a Bowen Therapist.
I started my own Bowen Therapy business back in 2013, and since then went on to study Naturopathy. I have always had a big interest in Natural Medicine, and knew that this new knowledge would compliment my Bowen Therapy business nicely.
As a Bowen Therapist, I see a wide range of issues, including sciatica, lower back pain, neck pain, headaches, upper back pain, shoulder pain, as well as restricted movement and anxiety. Bowen Therapy has great success rates with these issues. I even have clients that mention that they are able to think clearer after a treatment. I see a wide variety of different ages in my clients, ranging from children, through to elderly people.
As a Naturopath, I see many people, from children through to the elderly, with many different complaints, including anxiety, digestion issues, behavioural issues, hormonal issues, headaches and fatigue. In a Naturopathic consultation, I take the time with you, to find out as much information as I can about your health history and current symptoms. I may take photos of your tongue, nails, and iris to allow me to look at these thoroughly, as these can give me information about different areas of the body that may need more nurturing. We discuss your diet and food intake, as well as how much water you drink, and together, discuss ways we can improve this to help with any symptoms you may be experiencing. We then implement a treatment plan that you feel is doable, that addresses the things that are important to you. We then have a follow up appointment 2-3 weeks later, and then usually once a month after that depending on how you are feeling, until your symptoms have resolved. I now offer the Hair Analysis 600 Items, which also gives us valuable information about what foods to enjoy, and what foods to leave out of your eating. As well as what cleaning and personal care products are incompatible with your body.
I love helping people feel better, and love working with clients to help them achieve this.
If you would like any further information about any of the services I offer, please feel free to visit my website
I would love to hear from you and help you achieve your best health.