I would like to remind you that you are enough! You are loved!
It can be so easy to get down about ourselves …. the way we look, the things we say, the way we react in certain situations.
We often remember that certain comment that was mentioned to us, possibly even years ago. The person who made that comment to us probably just said it as a quick comment, not even meaning anything by it, but to you it might have hit a nerve. It might have stuck with you. It might have caused you to feel that you aren’t good enough, that you should be different in some way.
When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see?
Do you see all your flaws and faults …. or do you see all the good things about yourself?
Do you notice how pretty your hair is, or your eye colour?
Do you ever really pause to look at yourself, or do you just have a quick glance on the way past the mirror or as you are washing your hands?
When someone gives you a compliment, do you just laugh it off or deny it …. or do you gratefully accept it?
I invite you to instead of seeing the flaws and faults, to look for the beauty that is within you.
You are beautiful
You are loved
You are enough