How to Reduce Inflammation and Feel Better

Are you struggling with hormone imbalances?

Do you have stubborn weight that is hard to shift?

A big factor behind these and many other conditions is stress and inflammation. When our body’s are stressed, we have inflammation and this then goes on to contribute to many other problems. This can include things like aches and pain, low energy, inability to reduce weight, low libido, poor gut health and poor immune system.

We want to be reducing our stress and our inflammation as much as we can. Things we can do to help reduce these include looking at your stress. Address it and see where you can reduce it. These are some suggestions to help:

  • Say no to extra things if you are already feeling overwhelmed and really busy
  • Practice some meditation. This can be anything that makes you feel calm, at peace and relaxed. A good way to do this is to lie flat on your back on the floor or on the grass outside if it is a nice day. No pillows, just on the ground. Place your hands next to your side, palms facing up and just focus on your breathing. Nice, slow, relaxed breaths
  • Incorporate some gentle movement such as walking, swimming, yoga or stretching into your day
  • Walk around outside on the grass or at the beach in the sand and water with bare feet

Look at the foods you are putting into your body. These can be either contributing to your stress and inflammation, or reducing it. Eat to nourish, fuel and feed your body.

  • Eat whole foods, and avoid any processed, packaged, preservative and artificial colours and additive filled foods as much as possible. Eat foods that your body recognises as actual food, that it can break down and use the nutrients from to give you energy
  • Include antioxidants in your meals. These help to mop up and prevent damage to our cells from free radicals in our body. Eat foods with bright colours such as citrus, berries, beetroot, spinach and other brightly coloured fruit and vegetables
  • Ensure you are well hydrated. Drink at least 2L of clean, fresh water each day to keep your cells hydrated and functioning the way they should be
  • Reduce your intake of sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Swap for healthier, more nutritious foods and drinks. Try to limit your caffeine and perhaps swap one or two for a herbal tea

Try to reduce the toxins that you are exposed to from the environment where you can. Get lots of fresh air. Drink clean, filtered water. Swap your personal care products and your cleaning products to more natural varieties.

By reducing your stress and inflammation, your body can then function the way it has been designed to! Give it the nourishment it needs so that it can in turn give you the energy and the glow that you would like.